Search Results - Rodriguez, A Y

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    Population of Gamma-Ray Millisecond Pulsars Seen with the Fermi Large Area Telescope by Abdo, A.A, Ackermann, M, Ajello, M, Atwood, W.B, Axelsson, M, Bastieri, D, Bellazzini, R, Berenji, B, Bignami, G.F, Bonamente, E, Borgland, A.W, Bregeon, J, Burnett, T.H, Caliandro, G.A, Cameron, R.A, Casandjian, J.M, Cecchi, C, Charles, E, Chekhtman, A, Cheung, C.C, Claus, R, Cominsky, L.R, Corbet, R, Cutini, S, Dermer, C.D, de Angelis, A, de Luca, A, Dormody, M, Drell, P.S, Edmonds, Y, Farnier, C, Favuzzi, C, Focke, W.B, Frailis, M, Funk, S, Fusco, P, Gargano, F, Giebels, B, Glanzman, T, Grove, J.E, Hanabata, Y, Harding, A.K, Hays, E, Johnson, A.S, Johnson, R.P, Johnson, T.J, Johnson, W.N, Katagiri, H, Kataoka, J, Kawai, N, Kerr, M, Kuss, M, Lande, J, Lemoine-Goumard, M, Longo, F, Lott, B, Manchester, R.N, Marelli, M, Mazziotta, M.N, McConville, W, McLaughlin, M.A, Michelson, P.F, Mitthumsiri, W, Mizuno, T, Moiseev, A.A, Monte, C, Monzani, M.E, Norris, J.P, Ohsugi, T, Omodei, N, Orlando, E, Parent, D, Pepe, M, Porter, T.A, Rainò, S, Razzano, M, Reimer, A, Reposeur, T, Rochester, L.S, Schalk, T.L, Sgrò, C, Smith, P.D, Stappers, B.W, Starck, J.L, Strickman, M.S, Suson, D.J, Tajima, H, Takahashi, H, Theureau, G, Thompson, D.J, Thorsett, S.E, Tosti, G, Usher, T.L, Vasileiou, V, Vilchez, N, Vitale, V, Wallace, E, Winer, B.L, Wood, K.S, Ziegler, M

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    The Large Area Telescope on the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Mission by Ackermann, M, Althouse, W, Anderson, B, Axelsson, M, Band, D. L, Bartelt, J, Baughman, B. M, Berenji, B, Bignami, G. F, Bissaldi, E, Blandford, R. D, Bogart, J. R, Borgland, A. W, Burnett, T. H, Busetto, G, Caliandro, G. A, Caraveo, P. A, Casandjian, J. M, Ceccanti, M, Cecchi, C, Charles, E, Chekhtman, A, Cheung, C. C, Claus, R, Corucci, L, Costamante, L, Dermer, C. D, de Angelis, A, Digel, S. W, Drell, P. S, Edmonds, Y, Fabiani, D, Farnier, C, Focke, W. B, Gargano, F, Gentit, F.-X, Germani, S, Giebels, B, Giommi, P, Giordano, F, Godfrey, G, Grenier, I. A, Haller, G, Healey, S. E, Hjalmarsdotter, L, Horn, R, Johnson, A. S, Johnson, R. P, Johnson, T. J, Katagiri, H, Kavelaars, A, Kelly, H, Knödlseder, J, Kuehn, F, Kuss, M, Landriu, D, Latronico, L, Lionetto, A. M, Longo, F, Loparco, F, Massai, M. M, Mazziotta, M. N, Michelson, P. F, Minuti, M, Moiseev, A. A, Morselli, A, Murgia, S, Nakamori, T, Nishino, S, Norris, J. P, Nuss, E, Paneque, D, Parent, D, Pearce, M, Picozza, P, Pieri, L, Rando, R, Reimer, A, Reimer, O, Reyes, L. C, Ritz, S, Rodriguez, A. Y, Romani, R. W, Ryde, F, Sadrozinski, H. F.-W, Sander, A, Sapozhnikov, L, Parkinson, P. M. Saz, Schalk, T. L, Sierpowska-Bartosik, A, Starck, J.-L, Strickman, M. S, Strong, A. W, Suson, D. J, Tajima, H, Tether, S, Thompson, D. J, Watters, K, Ylinen, T, Ziegler, M

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    Fermi Large Area Telescope Bright Gamma-ray Source List by Abdo, Aous A., /Naval Research Lab, Wash., D.C., Ackermann, M., /KIPAC, Menlo Park /SLAC, Ajello, M., Atwood, W.B., /UC, Santa Cruz, Axelsson, M., /Stockholm U., OKC /Stockholm U., Baldini, L., /INFN, Pisa, Ballet, J., /DAPNIA, Saclay, Band, D.L., /NASA, Goddard /NASA, Goddard, Barbiellini, Guido, /INFN, Trieste /Trieste U., Bastieri, Denis, /INFN, Padua /Padua U., Bechtol, K., Bellazzini, R., Berenji, B., Bignami, G.F., /Pavia U., Bloom, Elliott D., Bonamente, E., /INFN, Perugia /Perugia U., Borgland, A.W., Bregeon, J., Brigida, M., /Bari U. /INFN, Bari, Bruel, P., /Ecole Polytechnique, Burnett, Thompson H., /Washington U., Seattle /Bari U. /INFN, Bari /KIPAC, Menlo Park /SLAC /IASF, Milan /IASF, Milan /DAPNIA, Saclay /ASDC, Frascati /INFN, Perugia /Perugia U. /KIPAC, Menlo Park /SLAC /George Mason U. /Naval Research Lab, Wash., D.C. /NASA, Goddard /KIPAC, Menlo Park /SLAC /INFN, Perugia /Perugia U. /KIPAC, Menlo Park /SLAC /Montpellier U. /Sonoma State U. /Stockholm U., OKC /Royal Inst. Tech., Stockholm /Stockholm U. /KIPAC, Menlo Park /SLAC /ASDC, Frascati /NASA, Goddard /Maryland U. /Naval Research Lab, Wash., D.C. /INFN, Trieste /Pavia U. /Bari U. /INFN, Bari /KIPAC, Menlo Park /SLAC /UC, Santa Cruz /KIPAC, Menlo Park /SLAC /KIPAC, Menlo Park /SLAC /KIPAC, Menlo Park /SLAC /Montpellier U. /Bari U. /INFN, Bari /Ecole Polytechnique /NASA, Goddard, /more authors

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    Fermi Observations of GRB 090510: A Short-Hard Gamma-ray Burst with an Additional, Hard Power-law Component from 10 keV TO GeV Energies by Ackermann, M, Asano, K, Atwood, W. B, Baldini, L, Ballet, J, Baring, M. G, Bechtol, K, Berenji, B, Bhat, P. N, Bloom, E. D, Borgland, A. W, Briggs, M. S, Bruel, P, Caliandro, G. A, Cameron, R. A, Carrigan, S, Charles, E, Chiang, J, Cohen-Tanugi, J, J. Conrad, Dingus, B. L, do Couto e Silva, E, Drell, P. S, Dumora, D, Fegan, S. J, Finke, J, Fukazawa, Y, Fusco, P, Gargano, F, Gasparrini, D, Giglietto, N, Giordano, F, Glanzman, T, Granot, J, Grenier, I. A, Hadasch, D, Horan, D, Jóhannesson, G, Kamae, T, Kataoka, J, Kippen, R. M, Knödlseder, J, Kocevski, D, Kouveliotou, C, Lande, J, Lemoine-Goumard, M, Loparco, F, Lott, B, Lovellette, M. N, Makeev, A, Meegan, C, Michelson, P. F, Mizuno, T, Monte, C, Monzani, M. E, Moretti, E, Moskalenko, I. V, Nakajima, H, Nakamori, T, Nolan, P. L, Norris, J. P, Ohno, M, Ohsugi, T, Omodei, N, Ozaki, M, Paneque, D, Pepe, M, Pesce-Rollins, M, Piron, F, Rainò, S, Rando, R, Razzaque, S, Reimer, A, Rodriguez, A. Y, Roth, M, Ryde, F, Sadrozinski, H. F.-W, Scargle, J. D, Siskind, E. J, Spandre, G, Spinelli, P, Stamatikos, M, Strickman, M. S, Suson, D. J, Takahashi, H, Thayer, J. B, Thayer, J. G, Thompson, D. J, Toma, K, Tosti, G, Uchiyama, Y, Vasileiou, V, Vilchez, N, von Kienlin, A, Waite, A. P, Wang, P, Winer, B. L, Yamazaki, R, Yang, Z, Ziegler, M

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    Bright Active Galactic Nuclei Source List from the First Three Months of the Fermi Large Area Telescope All-Sky Survey by Abdo, A. A, Ackermann, M, Ajello, M, Atwood, W. B, Axelsson, M, Bloom, E. D, Borgland, A. W, Brez, A, Bruel, P, Burnett, T. H, Caliandro, G. A, Cavazzuti, E, Chekhtman, A, Chen, A. W, Chiang, J, Ciprini, S, Cohen-Tanugi, J, Colafrancesco, S, Collmar, W, Cominsky, L. R, Conrad, J, Costamante, L, Dermer, C. D, de Palma, F, Drell, P. S, Favuzzi, C, Fegan, S. J, Fukazawa, Y, Gasparrini, D, Germani, S, Giglietto, N, Giommi, P, Giordano, F, Giroletti, M, Glanzman, T, Grenier, I. A, Grove, J. E, Guillemot, L, Guiriec, S, Hanabata, Y, Harding, A. K, Hays, E, Hughes, R. E, Jóhannesson, G, Johnson, T. J, Kataoka, J, Kerr, M, Kuss, M, Lande, J, Lemoine-Goumard, M, Longo, F, Lott, B, Massaro, E, McConville, W, McGlynn, S, Meurer, C, Michelson, P. F, Mitthumsiri, W, Mizuno, T, Moiseev, A. A, Monte, C, Monzani, M. E, Moskalenko, I. V, Nuss, E, Ohsugi, T, Omodei, N, Orlando, E, Ormes, J. F, Ozaki, M, Paneque, D, Panetta, J. H, Parent, D, Pelassa, V, Pepe, M, Piron, F, Rainò, S, Razzano, M, Reimer, O, Rodriguez, A. Y, Romani, R. W, Sadrozinski, H. F.-W, Saz Parkinson, P. M, Sellerholm, A, Sgrò, C, Shaw, M. S, Smith, D. A, Smith, P. D, Strickman, M. S, Suson, D. J, Tanaka, T, Thayer, J. B, Tibaldo, L, Tramacere, A, Uchiyama, Y, Usher, T. L, Vilchez, N, Waite, A. P, Winer, B. L, Wood, K. S, Ziegler, M

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    Detection of 16 Gamma-Ray Pulsars Through Blind Frequency Searches Using the Fermi LAT by Abdo, A.A, Ajello, M, Axelsson, M, Barbiellini, G, Baring, M.G, Baughman, B.M, Bechtol, K, Berenji, B, Bignami, G.F, Blandford, R.D, Bloom, E.D, Borgland, A.W, Bregeon, J, Brez, A, Bruel, P, Caraveo, P.A, Casandjian, J.M, Chiang, J, Cohen-Tanugi, J, Cutini, S, Dermer, C.D, de Angelis, A, de Luca, A, de Palma, F, Digel, S.W, Dormody, M, do Couto e Silva, E, Drell, P.S, Favuzzi, C, Fukazawa, Y, Fusco, P, Gasparrini, D, Gehrels, N, Giommi, P, Glanzman, T, Hanabata, Y, Hayashida, M, Johnson, R.P, Johnson, T.J, Johnson, W.N, Kamae, T, Kerr, M, Knödlseder, J, Lande, J, Latronico, L, Longo, F, Loparco, F, Lovellette, M.N, Madejski, G.M, Makeev, A, Marelli, M, McEnery, J.E, Meurer, C, Mizuno, T, Monte, C, Monzani, M.E, Moskalenko, I.V, Murgia, S, Nolan, P.L, Norris, J.P, Ohsugi, T, Omodei, N, Ormes, J.F, Pepe, M, Porter, T.A, Primack, J.R, Rainò, S, Rando, R, Reimer, A, Reimer, O, Ritz, S, Rochester, L.S, Rodriguez, A.Y, Ryde, F, Sadrozinski, H.F.-W, Sanchez, D, Sander, A, Parkinson, P.M. Saz, Sgrò, C, Siskind, E.J, Smith, D.A, Smith, P.D, Starck, J.-L, Suson, D.J, Tajima, H, Takahashi, T, Tanaka, T, Thayer, J.G, Torres, D.F, Tosti, G, Tramacere, A, Uchiyama, Y, Vitale, V, Wang, P, Watters, K, Winer, B.L, Wolff, M.T, Wood, K.S, Ylinen, T, Ziegler, M

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