Search Results - Herr, J.M.

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    Overweight is associated to a better prognosis in metastatic colorectal cancer: A pooled analysis of FFCD trials by Barbier, Emilie, François, Eric, Michel, Pierre, Rougier, Philippe, Seitz, Jean-François, Aouakli, A., Bedjaoui, A., Botton, A., Cadier-Lagnes, A., Hollebecque, A., Lemaire, A., Marre, A., Villing, A.L., Denis, B., Becht, C., Bineau, C., Borel, C., Buffet, C., Cornila, C., Couffon, C., Locher, C., Rebischung, C., Sarda, C., Auby, D., Baudet-Klepping, D., Besson, D., Cleau, D., Festin, D., Genet, D., Peré-Vergé, D., Pillon, D., Smith, D., Dorval Danquechin, E., Maillard, E., Mitry, E., Suc, E., Zrihen, E., Pariente, E.A., Dewaele, F., Di Fiore, F., Husseini, F., Kikolski, F., Petit-Laurent, F., Zerouala-Boussaha, F., Caroli-Bosc, F.X., Boilleau-Jolimoy, G., Medinger, G., Graber, I., Charneau, J., Cretin, J., Deguiral, J., Lacourt, J., Meunier, J., Vincent, J., Volet, J., Barbare, J.C., Paitel, J.F., Raoul, J.L., Gornet, J.M., Aucouturier, J.P., Barbieux, J.P., Plachot, J.P., Ramain, J.P., Spano, J.P., Bouhier-Leporrier, K., Cany, L., Rob, L., Baconnier, M., Benchalal, M., Combe, M., Duluc, M., Giovannini, M., Mabro, M., Ramdani, M., Tissot, M., Clavero-Fabri, M.C., Gouttebel, M.C., Kaminsky, M.C., Stremsdoerfer, N., Burtin, P., Cassan, P., Claudé, P., Couzigou, P., Geoffroy, P., Godeau, P., Hammel, P., Novello, P., Prost, P., Ruszniewski, P., Texereau, P., Coriat, R., Nasca, S., Fratte, S.P., Mansourbakht, T., Walter, T., Derias, V., Jestin Le Tallec, V., Sebbagh, V., Adhoute, X., Becouarn, Y.

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    Understanding the complexity of IgE-related phenotypes from childhood to young adulthood: A Mechanisms of the Development of Allergy (MeDALL) Seminar by Antó, Josep M., MD, PhD, Pinart, Mariona, PhD, Akdis, Mübeccel, MD, PhD, Auffray, Charles, PhD, Bachert, Claus, MD, PhD, Basagaña, Xavier, PhD, Carlsen, Kai-Håkon, MD, PhD, Guerra, Stefano, MD, PhD, von Hertzen, Leena, PhD, Illi, Sabina, MPH, Kauffmann, Francine, MD, Keil, Thomas, MD, MSc, Kiley, James P., PhD, Koppelman, Gerard H., MD, PhD, Lupinek, Christian, MD, Martinez, Fernando D., MD, Nawijn, Martijn C., PhD, Postma, Dirkje S., MD, PhD, Siroux, Valérie, PhD, Smit, Henriette A., PhD, Sterk, Peter J., MD, PhD, Sunyer, Jordi, MD, PhD, Valenta, Rudolf, MD, Valverde, Sergio, PhD, Akdis, Cezmi A., MD, Annesi-Maesano, Isabella, DSc, PhD, Ballester, Ferran, MD, PhD, Benet, Marta, BStat, Cambon-Thomsen, Anne, MD, PhD, Chatzi, Leda, MD, PhD, Coquet, Jonathan, PhD, Demoly, Pascal, MD, PhD, Gan, Weiniu, PhD, Garcia-Aymerich, Judith, MD, PhD, Gimeno-Santos, Elena, PT, Guihenneuc-Jouyaux, Chantal, PhD, Haahtela, Tari, MD, PhD, Heinrich, Joachim, PhD, Herr, Marie, PharmD, Hohmann, Cynthia, Dipl Phych, Jacquemin, Bénédicte, MD, PhD, Just, Jocelyne, MD, PhD, Kerkhof, Marjan, MD, PhD, Kogevinas, Manolis, MD, PhD, Kowalski, Marek L., MD, PhD, Lambrecht, Bart N., MD, PhD, Lau, Susanne, MD, Lødrup Carlsen, Karin C., MD, PhD, Maier, Dieter, PhD, Momas, Isabelle, PhD, Noel, Patricia, PhD, Oddie, Sam, MD, Palkonen, Susanna, Pin, Isabelle, MD, PhD, Porta, Daniela, PhD, Punturieri, Antonello, MD, PhD, Rancière, Fanny, PharmD, Smith, Robert A., PhD, Stanic, Barbara, PhD, Stein, Renato T., MD, PhD, van de Veen, Willem, MSc, van Oosterhout, Antoon J.M., PhD, Varraso, Raphaelle, PhD, Wickman, Magnus, MD, Wijmenga, Cisca, PhD, Wright, John, MD, PhD, Yaman, Gorkem, MD, Zuberbier, Torsten, MD, Bousquet, Jean, MD, PhD

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