Search Results - Giordanengo, V.

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    First cases of Omicron in France are exhibiting mild symptoms, November 2021–January 2022 by Maisa, A., Spaccaferri, G., Fournier, L., Deniau, J., Rolland, P., Coignard, B., Andrieu, A., Broustal, O., Chene, S., Chent, S., Fougère, E., Lamy, A., Mano, Q., Mastrovito, B., Modenesi, G., Picard, G., Prudhomme, J., Rapilly, F., Rivière, M., Villegas Ramirez, B., Zurbaran, M., Bal, A., Beaurepere, R., Behillil, S., Belec, L., Bouri, L., Bressollette-Bodin, C., Brichler, S., Cado, S., Calvez, V., Castelain, S., Castro-Alvarez, J., Charpentier, C., Che, D., Chillou, C., Colson, P., Coudene, P., De Rougemont, A., Delagrèverie, H., Delamare, C., Descamps, D., Desroches, M., Destras, G., Dos Santos, G., Ducancelle, A., Ducreux, S., Duret, T., Enouf, V., Felici, C., Fourati, S., Fournier, P.-E., Gaudy, C., Germain, H., Giordanengo, V., Gorge, O., Haim-Boukobza, S., Henquell, C., Houhamdi, L., Izopet, J., Jacomo, V., Jaffar-Bandjee, M.-C., Jimenez, M., Josset, L., Kemeny, S., Le Bars, A., Le Corguille, G., Levasseur, A., Leveque, N., Lina, B., Madelaine, C., Malabat, C., Marque-Juillet, S., Martin-Dunavit, T., Mavingui, P., Merens, A., Morand-Joubert, L., Neybecker, P., Pawlotsky, J.-M., Plantier, J.-C., Pretet, M., Ragot, C., Raoul, H., Roque-Afonso, A.-M., Roquebert, B., Rousset, D., Sagot, C., Sahnoune, S., Sand, O., Saudemont, C., Schvoerer, E., Simon-Loriere, E., Stephan, R., Sudour, J., Thibault, V., Tuaillon, E., Vallee, E., Van Der Werf, S., Van Helden, J., Verdurme, L., Wilkinson, D.

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    Patient-reported symptoms during direct-acting antiviral treatment: A real-life study in HIV-HCV coinfected patients (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH) by Di Beo, Vincent, Aumaitre, Hugues, Mora, Marion, Duvivier, Claudine, Esterle, Laure, Serfaty, L., Carrieri, P., Valantin, M.A., Pialoux, G., Chas, J., Naqvi, A., Lascoux-Combe, C., Duvivier, C., Boufassa, F., Autran, B., Roque, A.M., Zucman, D., Aumaître, H., Rey, D., Salmon, D., Usubillaga, R., Sogni, P., Terris, B., Tremeaux, P., Stitou, H., Nafissa, S., Charlotte, F., Laroche, H., Bendjaballah, F., Amiel, C., Haudebourg, J., Ziol, M., Baazia, Y., Gerber, A., Garipuy, D., Ferro-Collados, M.J., Yazdanpanah, Y., Alexandre, G., Krause, J., Cervera, P., Viala, C., Pallier, C., Rouzaud, C., Gardiennet, E., Mélard, A., Blanchard, E., Cazanave, C., Desclaux, A., Bonnet, F., Martell, C., Receveur, M.C., Caldato, S., Bellecave, P., Viallard, J.F., Lazzaro, E., Polo Devoto, J., Chambrin, V., Pignon, C., Martinez, V., Lévy, Y., Dominguez, S., Lelièvre, J.D., Le Guen, L., Ferry, T., Koffi, J., Lack, P., Valour, F., Chavanet, P., Duong Van Huyen, M., Waldner-Combernoux, A., Mahy, S., Simonet-Lann, A.L., Hentzien, M., Brodard, V., Partisani, M., de Mautort, E., Platterier, P., Traore, L., Lepuil, S., Sicart-Payssan, V., Ousidhoum, Y., Bayoud, R., Gatey, C., Le Baut, V., Beniken, D., Akel, S., Ritleg, A.-S., Chalal, L., Hue, H., Soria, A., Cavellec, M., Fisher, P., Ogoudjobi, S., Thoirain-Galvan, V., Conte, V., Dequae-Merchadou, L., Gillet, S., Michel, L., Tezkratt, S., Santos, M.

    Published in Journal of hepatology
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    Post‐HCV cure self‐reported changes in physical activity, eating behaviours, and fatigue in people living with HIV (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH) by Marcellin, Fabienne, Abgrall, Sophie, Roustant, F, Platterier, P, Kmiec, I, Parlier, S, Anriamiandrisoa, S, Pomes, C, Mole, M, Mebarki, M, Ousidhoum, Y, Braik, O, Bayoud, R, Gatey, C, Ben Rayana, R, Lions, C, Zelie, J, Ogoudjobi, S, Thoirain‐Galvan, V, Gilbert, C, Ramier, C, Izopet, J, Valantin, Chas, J, Duvivier, C, Morlat, P, Autran, B, Solas, C, Fontaine, H, Piroth, L, Peytavin, G, Tremeaux, P, Cacoub, P, Charlotte, F, Marchou, B, Selves, J, Larroquette, F, Rio, V, De Monte, A, Giordanengo, V, Partouche, C, Baazia, Y, Garipuy, D, Nicot, F, Adle‐Biassette, H, Alexandre, G, Molina, J.M, Bertheau, P, Quertainmont, Y, Teicher, E, Rouzaud, C, Castet‐Lafarie, S, Cazanave, C, Dupon, M, Dutronc, H, Dauchy, F, Desclaux, A, Bonnet, F, Bernard, N, Martell, C, Vandenhende, M, Malvy, D, Pistone, T, Méchain, M, Duffau, P, Faure, I, Caldato, S, Bellecave, P, Pellegrin, J.L, Bioulac‐Sage, P, Reigadas, S, Majerholc, C, Polo Devoto, J, Kansau, I, Pignon, C, Dominguez, S, Lelièvre, J.D, Lascaux, A.S, Boutoille, D, Rodallec, A, Le Guen, L, Peyramond, D, Chidiac, C, Ferry, T, Zoulim, F, Lack, P, Maynard, M, Radenne, S, Amiri, M, Koffi, J, Zoulim, F, Bailly, F, Maynard, M, Scholtes, C, Chavanet, P, Duong Van Huyen, M, Galim, S, Batard, M.L, Bernard‐Henry, C, de Mautort, E

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