Search Results - Brinkmann, W. L. P.

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    Observation of Azimuth-Dependent Suppression of Hadron Pairs in Electron Scattering off Nuclei by Morán, S., Arratia, M., El Alaoui, A., Hakobyan, H., Brooks, W., Amaryan, M. J., Armstrong, W. R., Baashen, L., Baltzell, N. A., Bashkanov, M., Battaglieri, M., Benkel, B., Benmokhtar, F., Bianconi, A., Biondo, L., Biselli, A. S., Bondi, M., Briscoe, W. J., Burkert, V. D., Celentano, A., Chesnokov, V., Chetry, T., Ciullo, G., Cole, P. L., Costantini, G., D’Angelo, A., De Vita, R., Defurne, M., Diehl, S., Dilks, C., Djalali, C., Dupre, R., El Fassi, L., Eugenio, P., Fegan, S., Filippi, A., Gavalian, G., Ghandilyan, Y., Golubenko, A. A., Gothe, R. W., Hattawy, M., Heddle, D., Hobart, A., Ilieva, Y., Ireland, D. G., Isupov, E. L., Jo, H. S., Johnston, R., Joo, K., Joosten, S., Keller, D., Khanal, A., Khandaker, M., Kripko, A., Lagerquist, V., Lanza, L., Leali, M., Lenisa, P., Li, X., Livingston, K., Marchand, D., Mascagna, V., Mineeva, T., Mirazita, M., Mokeev, V. I., Moran, P., Neupane, K., Nguyen, D., Niccolai, S., Niculescu, G., Osipenko, M., Pandey, P., Paolone, M., Pappalardo, L. L., Pasyuk, E., Phelps, W., Pogorelko, O., Pokhrel, M., Poudel, J., Price, J. W., Reed, T., Ripani, M., Salgado, C., Schmidt, A., Schumacher, R. A., Shrestha, U., Simmerling, P., Stepanyan, S., Strakovsky, I. I., Strauch, S., Tan, J. A., Tyson, R., Vallarino, S., Venturelli, L., Voutier, E., Wei, X., Wishart, R., Wood, M. H., Zachariou, N., Zurek, M.

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    First CLAS12 Measurement of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Beam-Spin Asymmetries in the Extended Valence Region by Christiaens, G, Akbar, Z, Amaryan, M J, Atac, H, Avakian, H, Baashen, L, Baltzell, N A, Battaglieri, M, Benkel, B, Biselli, A S, Bondi, M, Booth, W A, Bossù, F, Boiarinov, S, Briscoe, W J, Burkert, V D, Celentano, A, Chatagnon, P, Chesnokov, V, Ciullo, G, Clash, G, Contalbrigo, M, Dashyan, N, De Vita, R, Deur, A, Dilks, C, Djalali, C, Dupre, R, Egiyan, H, Ehrhart, M, Alaoui, A El, Elouadrhiri, L, Filippi, A, Gilfoyle, G P, Girod, F X, Golubenko, A A, Gosta, G, Gotra, Y, Griffioen, K A, Hakobyan, H, Hauenstein, F, Heddle, D, Holmberg, D E, Ilieva, Y, Ireland, D G, Isupov, E L, Keller, D, Khachatryan, M, Khanal, A, Kim, W, Kripko, A, Kuhn, S E, Lagerquist, V, Livingston, K, Marchand, D, Mascagna, V, Matousek, G, McKinnon, B, McLauchlin, C, Meziani, Z E, Migliorati, S, Milner, R G, Mirazita, M, Nadel-Turonski, P, Neupane, K, Niccolai, S, Niculescu, G, Osipenko, M, Pandey, P, Paolone, M, Paremuzyan, R, Pasyuk, E, Phelps, W, Pilleux, N, Pokhrel, M, Poudel, J, Radic, A, Ramasubramanian, N, Richards, J, Rossi, P, Sabatié, F, Salgado, C, Schadmand, S, Scott, M B C, Sharabian, Y G, Shirokov, E V, Shrestha, U, Simmerling, P, Sparveris, N, Spreafico, M, Stepanyan, S, Tan, J A, Tyson, R, Venturelli, L, Voskanyan, H, Wishart, R, Wood, M H, Zhang, J, Zhao, Z W, Ziegler, V

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    Multidimensional, High Precision Measurements of Beam Single Spin Asymmetries in Semi-inclusive π^{+} Electroproduction off Protons in the Valence Region by Kim, A, Joo, K, Amaryan, M, Atac, H, Ayerbe Gayoso, C, Baltzell, N A, Benmokhtar, F, Biselli, A S, Bondi, M, Boiarinov, S, Brinkmann, K-T, Brooks, W, Bulumulla, D, Burkert, V D, Carman, D S, Carvajal, J C, Celentano, A, Chatagnon, P, Chetry, T, Ciullo, G, Clary, B A, Cole, P L, Costantini, G, Crede, V, Dashyan, N, De Vita, R, Deur, A, Dilks, C, Djalali, C, Dugger, M, Dupre, R, Ehrhart, M, El Alaoui, A, Elouadrhiri, L, Filippi, A, Forest, T, Gilfoyle, G P, Girod, F X, Glazier, D I, Golubenko, A A, Gotra, Y, Guidal, M, Hafidi, K, Hattawy, M, Hauenstein, F, Hayward, T B, Hobart, A, Holtrop, M, Ireland, D G, Isupov, E L, Jo, H S, Joosten, S, Keller, D, Khachatryan, M, Khanal, A, Kim, W, Kripko, A, Lee, S, Livingston, K, Marchand, D, Marsicano, L, McKinnon, B, Milner, R G, Mineeva, T, Mirazita, M, Mokeev, V, Munoz Camacho, C, Naidoo, P, Nanda, S, Neupane, K, O'Connell, T R, Osipenko, M, Paolone, M, Pappalardo, L L, Paremuzyan, R, Pasyuk, E, Pogorelko, O, Prok, Y, Prokudin, A, Ritman, J, Roberts, C D, Rossi, P, Rowley, J, Segarra, E P, Sharabian, Y G, Shrestha, U, Simmerling, P, Soto, O, Stoler, P, Strakovsky, I I, Strauch, S, Tezgin, K, Thornton, A, Tyson, R, Venturelli, L, Voskanyan, H, Wei, X, Xu, S-S, Zachariou, N, Zhang, J

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    An experimental program with high duty-cycle polarized and unpolarized positron beams at Jefferson Lab by Albayrak, I., Ali, S. F., Amaryan, M., Arrington, J., Atac, H., Averett, T., Bai, X., Barion, L., Beminiwattha, R., Benmokhtar, F., Bernauer, J. C., Bianconi, A., Boer, M., Bondì, M., Burkert, V., Cardman, L., Caudron, M., Causse, L., Ciullo, G., D’Angelo, A., D’Hose, N., Diefenthaler, M., Dongwi, B., Dupré, R., Dutrieux, H., Ehrhart, M., Elouadrhiri, L., Erler, J., Fernando, I. P., Filippi, A., Flay, D., Fuchey, E., Furletova, Y., Gasparian, A., Gnanvo, K., Grauvogel, G. N., Gueye, P., Hattawy, M., Higinbotham, D. W., Horn, T., Ilyichev, A., Joo, K., Kalicy, G., Keller, D., Keppel, C., Kerver, M., Kinney, E., Ko, H.-S., Kohl, M., Kozhuharov, V., Kubarovsky, V., Lanza, L., Lenisa, P., Liyanage, N., Mantry, S., Markowitz, P., McNulty, D., Metz, A., Mkrtchyan, A., Muhoza, M., Murphy, J., Nadel-Turoński, P., Nardi, E., Nazeer, J., Niccolai, S., Niculescu, G., Owens, J. F., Paolone, M., Pappalardo, L., Paremuzyan, R., Pegg, I., Peng, C., Perera, D., Raggi, M., Rashad, M. N. H., Rathnayake, M., Reimer, P. E., Salmè, G., Sawatzky, B., Schmidt, A., Shabestari, M., Somov, A., Sparveris, N., Stepanyan, S., Stoler, P., Strakovsky, I., Suleiman, R., Suresh, M., Sznajder, P., Thomas, A. W., Tiefenback, M., Ungaro, M., Valente, P., Wood, M. H., Xiong, W., Zaunick, H.-G., Zhamkochyan, S., Zhang, S., Zhao, Z. W., Zhou, J.

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    Neoadjuvant chemotherapy versus debulking surgery in advanced tubo-ovarian cancers: pooled analysis of individual patient data from the EORTC 55971 and CHORUS trials by Vergote, Ignace, Coens, Corneel, Nankivell, Matthew, Kristensen, Gunnar B, Parmar, Mahesh K B, Jayson, Gordon C, Swart, Ann Marie, Verheijen, René, McCluggage, W Glenn, Perren, Tim, Panici, Pierluigi Benedetti, Kenter, Gemma, Casado, Antonio, Mendiola, Cesar, Stuart, Gavin, Reed, Nick S, Kehoe, Sean, Tropé G., Claes, Dobbs, Stephen, Essapen, Sharadah, Hoskins, P., Van Baal, M., Twigg, Jeremy, Van Der Burg, Maria E.L., Godfrey, Keith, Lacave, Angel J., Redman, Charles, Lotocki, R., Olaitan, Adeola, Mosgaard, B., Rustin, G., Persic, Mojca, Hogg, Martin, Van Der Velden, J., Ledermann, J., Peter Sykes, Peter Sykes, Hird, Vicky, Sandvei R., R., Cruickshank, D.J., Ottevanger, P.B., Pearson, Sheila, Hall, Marcia, Bessette, P., Gerdin, E., Lopes, Tito, Fish, Andrew, Van Eygen, K., Floquet, A., Tholander, B., Gul, N., Gornall, Robert, Luesley, David, Symonds, Paul, Poole, David, McNeish, Ian, Hocking, Mark, Sammaraie, Al, Speiser, P., Leblanc, E., De Oliveira, C.F., Grimshaw, R., Zola, P., Parkin, David, Lamb, Martin, Gillespie, Alan, Hamid, Abdel, Ahmed, Ahmed, Perez, David, Skailes, Geraldine, Jones, Rachel, Leeson, Simon, Elit, L., Gotlieb, W., Crosse, Barbara, Ridley, Paul, Head, Anthony, Nieto, Joaquin, Awwad, Saif, Brinkmann, Dirk, Eustace, Damian, Katsaros, D., Popadiuk, C., Redman, C., Chan, S., Marth, C., Lankaster, Kate, Indrajit, Fernando, Quigley, Mary, Adeyemi, Olu, McNally, Orla, Tristam, Amanda, Lee, Martin, Counsell, R., Gleeson, N., Papadopoulos, A., Maggino, T., Ghatage, P., Vermorken, J.B., Petru, E, Amant, F.

    Published in The lancet oncology
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    Alignment of the CLAS12 central hybrid tracker with a Kalman Filter by Paul, S.J., Peck, A., Arratia, M., Gotra, Y., Ziegler, V., De Vita, R., Bossù, F., Atac, H., Baashen, L., Barion, L., Bashkanov, M., Battaglieri, M., Benkel, B., Bianconi, A., Biondo, L., Biselli, A.S., Bondi, M., Boiarinov, S., Brinkmann, K.-Th, Briscoe, W.J., Brooks, W.K., Bulumulla, D., Burkert, V.D., Capobianco, R., Carman, D.S., Carvajal, J.C., Chatagnon, P., Chesnokov, V., Chetry, T., Ciullo, G., Cole, P.L., D’Angelo, A., Dashyan, N., Deur, A., Diehl, S., El Alaoui, A., El Fassi, L., Elouadrhiri, L., Filippi, A., Gates, K., Gavalian, G., Ghandilyan, Y., Gilfoyle, G.P., Golubenko, A.A., Gosta, G., Gothe, R.W., Griffioen, K., Guidal, M., Hakobyan, H., Hauenstein, F., Hayward, T.B., Holtrop, M., Ilieva, Y., Ireland, D.G., Isupov, E.L., Jo, H.S., Johnston, R., Joo, K., Keller, D., Khachatryan, M., Khanal, A., Kim, A., Kripko, A., Lenisa, P., Li, X., Marchand, D., Mascagna, V., McKinnon, B., McLauchlin, C., Migliorati, S., Mineeva, T., Mirazita, M., Camacho, C. Munoz, Naidoo, P., Neupane, K., Nicol, M., Niculescu, G., Osipenko, M., Pandey, P., Paolone, M., Pogorelko, O., Poudel, J., Price, J.W., Prok, Y., Reed, T., Ripani, M., Sabatié, F., Shirokov, E.V., Shrestha, U., Simmerling, P., Sokhan, D., Sparveris, N., Strakovsky, I.I., Strauch, S., Tan, J.A., Venturelli, L., Voutier, E., Watts, D.P., Wood, M.H., Zachariou, N.

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