Search Results - Brice, A., MD

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    Frontotemporal dementia and its subtypes: a genome-wide association study by Hernandez, Dena G, MSc, Nalls, Michael A, PhD, Kwok, John B J, PhD, Dobson-Stone, Carol, PhD, Brooks, William S, MBBS, Schofield, Peter R, Prof, Halliday, Glenda M, Prof, Hodges, John R, Prof, Piguet, Olivier, PhD, Bartley, Lauren, MSc, Thompson, Elizabeth, MD, Haan, Eric, Prof, Ruiz, Agustín, MD, Boada, Mercè, MD, Borroni, Barbara, MD, Cruchaga, Carlos, PhD, Benussi, Luisa, PhD, Galimberti, Daniela, PhD, Fenoglio, Chiara, PhD, Serpente, Maria, PhD, Scarpini, Elio, MD, Lleó, Alberto, MD, Waldö, Maria Landqvist, MD, Nilsson, Karin, PhD, Hsiung, Ging-Yuek R, MD, Mann, David M A, Prof, Morris, Christopher M, PhD, Attems, Johannes, Prof, Griffiths, Timothy D, Prof, McKeith, Ian G, Prof, Thomas, Alan J, Prof, Huey, Edward D, MD, Jaros, Evelyn, PhD, Pastor, Pau, MD, Razquin, Cristina, PhD, Ortega-Cubero, Sara, MD, Alonso, Elena, BSc, Perneczky, Robert, MD, Alexopoulos, Panagiotis, MD, Kurz, Alexander, MD, Rubino, Elisa, MD, Pinessi, Lorenzo, Prof, St George-Hyslop, Peter, MD, Rowe, James B, PhD, Schlachetzki, Johannes C M, MD, Uphill, James, BSc, Mead, Simon, Prof, Danek, Adrian, MD, Van Deerlin, Vivianna M, PhD, van der Zee, Julie, PhD, Deschamps, William, MSc, Van Broeckhoven, Christine, Prof, Cappa, Stefano F, Prof, Le Ber, Isabelle, MD, Vercelletto, Martine, MD, Brice, Alexis, MD, Nacmias, Benedetta, PhD, Piaceri, Irene, PhD, Nielsen, Jørgen E, MD, Hjermind, Lena E, MD, Riemenschneider, Matthias, Prof, Gasparoni, Gilles, PhD, Gu, Wei, PhD, Rossor, Martin N, Prof, Fox, Nick C, Prof, Morris, Huw R, Prof, Rizzu, Patrizia, PhD, Heutink, Peter, Prof, Snowden, Julie S, Prof, Rollinson, Sara, PhD, Richardson, Anna, MB, Bruni, Amalia C, MD, Maletta, Raffaele, MD, Frangipane, Francesca, MD, Bernardi, Livia, PhD, Anfossi, Maria, PhD, Gallo, Maura, PhD, Conidi, Maria Elena, PhD, Smirne, Nicoletta, BSc, Baker, Matt, BSc, Dickson, Dennis W, Prof, Petersen, Ronald C, Prof, Boeve, Bradley F, Prof, Seeley, William W, MD, Miller, Bruce L, Prof, Karydas, Anna M, BA, Rosen, Howard, Prof, van Swieten, John C, Prof, Scheltens, Philip, Prof, Capozzo, Rosa, MD, Franceschi, Massimo, MD, Postiglione, Alfredo, Prof, Chiang, Huei-Hsin, PhD, Graff, Caroline, Prof, Rollin, Adeline, MD, Deramecourt, Vincent, MD, Lebert, Florence, MD, Kapogiannis, Dimitrios, MD, Pickering-Brown, Stuart, Prof, Hardy, John, Prof

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    Association of LRRK2 exonic variants with susceptibility to Parkinson's disease: a case–control study by Ross, Owen A, Dr, Soto-Ortolaza, Alexandra I, BSc, Heckman, Michael G, MS, Aasly, Jan O, Prof, Abahuni, Nadine, MD, Annesi, Grazia, Prof, Bacon, Justin A, BSc, Bardien, Soraya, PhD, Bozi, Maria, MD, Brice, Alexis, Prof, Brighina, Laura, MD, Van Broeckhoven, Christine, Prof, Carr, Jonathan, Prof, Chartier-Harlin, Marie-Christine, Prof, Dardiotis, Efthimios, MD, Dickson, Dennis W, Prof, Diehl, Nancy N, BS, Elbaz, Alexis, Prof, Ferrarese, Carlo, Prof, Ferraris, Alessandro, MD, Fiske, Brian, PhD, Gibson, J Mark, Prof, Gibson, Rachel, PhD, Hadjigeorgiou, Georgios M, MD, Hattori, Nobutaka, Prof, Ioannidis, John PA, Prof, Jasinska-Myga, Barbara, MD, Jeon, Beom S, Prof, Kim, Yun Joong, Prof, Klein, Christine, Prof, Kruger, Rejko, MD, Kyratzi, Elli, MD, Lesage, Suzanne, PhD, Lin, Chin-Hsien, MD, Lynch, Timothy, Prof, Maraganore, Demetrius M, Prof, Mellick, George D, PhD, Mutez, Eugénie, MD, Nilsson, Christer, Prof, Opala, Grzegorz, Prof, Park, Sung Sup, Prof, Puschmann, Andreas, MD, Quattrone, Aldo, Prof, Sharma, Manu, PhD, Silburn, Peter A, Prof, Sohn, Young Ho, Prof, Stefanis, Leonidas, MD, Tadic, Vera, MD, Theuns, Jessie, PhD, Tomiyama, Hiroyuki, MD, Uitti, Ryan J, Prof, Valente, Enza Maria, Prof, van de Loo, Simone, PhD, Vassilatis, Demetrios K, PhD, Vilariño-Güell, Carles, PhD, White, Linda R, Prof, Wirdefeldt, Karin, MD, Wszolek, Zbigniew K, Prof, Wu, Ruey-Meei, Prof, Farrer, Matthew J, Prof

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    Frequency of the C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia: a cross-sectional study by Majounie, Elisa, PhD, Renton, Alan E, PhD, Mok, Kin, MSc, Dopper, Elise GP, Waite, Adrian, PhD, Rollinson, Sara, PhD, Chiò, Adriano, MD, Restagno, Gabriella, MD, Nicolaou, Nayia, MSc, Simon-Sanchez, Javier, PhD, van Swieten, John C, Prof, Abramzon, Yevgeniya, Johnson, Janel O, PhD, Sendtner, Michael, Prof, Pamphlett, Roger, MD, Orrell, Richard W, MD, Mead, Simon, MD, Sidle, Katie C, MD, Houlden, Henry, Prof, Rohrer, Jonathan D, MD, Morrison, Karen E, Prof, Pall, Hardev, MD, Talbot, Kevin, Prof, Ansorge, Olaf, MD, Hernandez, Dena G, MSc, Arepalli, Sampath, MS, Sabatelli, Mario, MD, Mora, Gabriele, MD, Corbo, Massimo, MD, Giannini, Fabio, MD, Calvo, Andrea, MD, Englund, Elisabet, MD, Borghero, Giuseppe, MD, Floris, Gian Luca, MD, Remes, Anne M, Prof, Laaksovirta, Hannu, MD, McCluskey, Leo, MD, Trojanowski, John Q, Prof, Van Deerlin, Vivianna M, MD, Schellenberg, Gerard D, Prof, Nalls, Michael A, PhD, Drory, Vivian E, MD, Lu, Chin-Song, Prof, Yeh, Tu-Hsueh, MD, Ishiura, Hiroyuki, MD, Takahashi, Yuji, MD, Tsuji, Shoji, Prof, Le Ber, Isabelle, MD, Brice, Alexis, Prof, Drepper, Carsten, PhD, Williams, Nigel, PhD, Kirby, Janine, PhD, Shaw, Pamela, Prof, Hardy, John, Prof, Tienari, Pentti J, MD, Heutink, Peter, Prof, Morris, Huw R, MD, Pickering-Brown, Stuart, Prof, Traynor, Bryan J, Dr

    Published in Lancet neurology
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