Search Results - ABREU, M.A. V.

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    A search for decays of the Higgs boson to invisible particles in events with a top-antitop quark pair or a vector boson in proton-proton collisions at s=13TeV by Van Doninck, W., Vannerom, D., Thomas, L., Mora Herrera, C., Padula, Sandra S., Bauer, G., Kapoor, A., Razis, P. A., Salama, E., Garcia, F., Siikonen, H., Ganjour, S., Diekmann, S., Flügge, G., Stahl, A., Bayatmakou, M., Komm, M., Savitskyi, M., Jabusch, H. R., Schindler, J., Stadie, H., Mitra, S., Wunsch, S., Daskalakis, G., Kyriakis, A., Papakrivopoulos, I., Kamtsikis, C., Rádl, A. J., Sikler, F., Ujvari, B., Kaur, A., Kumar, D., Panwar, L., Mazumdar, K., Nayak, A., Dube, S., Laha, A., Creanza, D., Iaselli, G., Camaiani, B., Gennai, S., Paganoni, M., Campana, M., Bartosik, N., Dogra, S., Moon, C. S., Pak, S. I., Yang, U. K., Song, D., Yang, S., Veckalns, V., Asghar, M. I., Zalewski, P., Bastos, D., Milosevic, J., Alcaraz Maestre, J., Fouz, M. C., Jayananda, M. K., Kailasapathy, B., Kieseler, J., Moortgat, F., Sakulin, H., Bärtschi, P., Rout, P. K., Li, Y. y., Agyel, D., Kaya, M., Chahal, G. S., Dancu, J. S., Fayer, S., Nash, J., Shukla, R., Tapper, A., Khan, A., Kyberd, P., Kukral, O., Ignatenko, M., Krutelyov, V., Würthwein, F., An, S., Hassani, A., Fan, J., Gecse, Z., Horyn, L., Merkel, P., Nahn, S., Konigsberg, J., Kumar Verma, R., Köseyan, O. K., Nabili, S., Kovalskyi, D., Morris, M., Bodek, A., Van Onsem, G. P., Stone, R., Thayil, S. A., Acharya, H., Safonov, A., Cox, B., Mallampalli, A.

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    Identification of hadronic tau lepton decays using a deep neural network by Lee, K., Thomas, L., Bethani, A., Moraes, A., Da Costa, E.M., Mora Herrera, C., Nogima, H., Torres Da Silva De Araujo, F., Lemos, D.S., Bauer, G., Chapon, E., Salazar González, C.A., Brigljevic, V., Majumder, D., Bhowmik, S., Denegri, D., Jarry, P., Rosowsky, A., Hakimi, A., Shchablo, K., Röwert, N., Mastrolorenzo, L., Rath, Y., Vigilante, L., Sert, H., Bin Anuar, A.A., Eckerlin, G., Jafari, A., Kleinwort, C., Schröder, M., Schnepf, M., Veszpremi, V., Pradhan, R., Sharma, A., Shukla, P., Alpana, K., Pandey, S., Simone, F.M., Tuve, C., Sguazzoni, G., Benussi, L., Tabarelli de Fatis, T., Bragagnolo, A., Margoni, M., Strong, G., Bianchini, L., Shafiei, N., Campana, M., Meridiani, P., Cometti, S., Sola, V., Go, Y., Ryu, M.S., Beyrouthy, T., Pedraza, I., Dremin, I., Skovpen, Y., Ryutin, R., Bachiller, I., Cepeda, M., Dharmaratna, W.G.D., Liyanage, K., Maier, B., Qu, H., Racz, A., Zeuner, W.D., Adloff, C., Sarkar, T., Ceard, L., Dumanoglu, I., Heath, G.P., Cockerill, D.J.A., Borg, J., Kyberd, P., Bartek, R., Arcaro, D., Breedon, R., Gerosa, R., Vartak, A., Würthwein, F., Incandela, J., Newman, H.B., Ryd, A., Burkett, K., Avery, P., Koenig, E., Gritsan, A.V., Maksimovic, P., Skuja, A., Hay, L., Morse, D.M., Wisecarver, A., Shi, W., Thomas, S., Mueller, R., Safonov, A., Padeken, K., Sheldon, P., Tannenwald, B., Fienga, F.

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    Luminosity determination using Z boson production at the CMS experiment by Schöfbeck, R., Dansana, S., Lowette, S., Morton, A., Lidrych, J., Soeiro, M., Mundim, L., Mercadante, P.G., Trujillo, D. A. Barbosa, Kim, M.S., Simkina, P., Busson, P., Zabi, A., Chabert, E.C., Kasemann, M., Wiens, L., Benato, L., Mormile, M., Kontaxakis, P., Saoulidou, N., Theofilatos, K., Karapostoli, G., Major, P., Bencze, G., Kaur, A., Ranjan, K., Bhattacharya, S., Mukherjee, S., Dube, S., Venditti, R., Mattia, A. Di, Focardi, E., De Guio, F., Paolucci, P., Layer, L., Mariani, V., Spiga, D., Campana, M., Bartosik, N., Casarsa, M., Kim, D.H., Choi, J., Kim, J., Lee, Y., Veckalns, V., Palomo, L. Valencia, Khan, W.A., Muhammad, A., Araujo, M., Rekovic, V., Fallavollita, F., Leutgeb, E., Peruzzi, M., Petrilli, A., Perovic, V., Reimers, A., Harder, K., Fedi, G., Pesaresi, M., Escamilla, C. Huerta, Benelli, G., Kwon, T., Li, D., Letts, J., Li, A.J., Setti, F., Feng, Y., Horyn, L., Spiegel, L., Gerber, C.E., Mills, C., Roy, T., Mestvirishvili, A., Maksimovic, P., Pitt, M., Sorrentino, G., Lai, Y., Lascio, S., Bendavid, J., D’Alfonso, M., Long, K., Rothman, S., Wightman, A., Sfar, H. Rejeb, Zarucki, M., Winer, B.L., Malik, S., Barnes, V.E., Koshy, A. M., Paspalaki, G., Piperov, S., Baty, A., Rotter, J., Thomas, S., Rathjens, D., Cardwell, B., Savin, A., Afanasiev, S., Matveev, V., Vorobyev, A.

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    Evidence for the charge asymmetry in pp → $ t\overline{t} $ production at $ \sqrt{s} $ = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector by Aad, G, Abbott, B, Abbott, D.C, Abeling, K, Abidi, S.H, Aboulhorma, A, Abramowicz, H, Abreu, H, Abulaiti, Y, Abusleme Hoffman, A.C, Acharya, B.S, Achkar, B, Adam Bourdarios, C, Adamczyk, L, Adamek, L, Addepalli, S.V, Adelman, J, Adiguzel, A, Adorni, S, Adye, T, Affolder, A.A, Afik, Y, Agaras, M.N, Agarwala, J, Aggarwal, A, Agheorghiesei, C, Aguilar-Saavedra, J.A, Ahmad, A, Ahmadov, F, Ahmed, W.S, Ahuja, S, Ai, X, Aielli, G, Aizenberg, I, Akbiyik, M, Åkesson, T.P. A, Akimov, A.V, Al Khoury, K, Alberghi, G.L, Albert, J, Albicocco, P, Alderweireldt, S, Aleksa, M, Aleksandrov, I.N, Alexa, C, Alexopoulos, T, Alfonsi, A, Alfonsi, F, Alhroob, M, Ali, B, Ali, S, Aliev, M, Alimonti, G, Alkakhi, W, Allaire, C, Allbrooke, B.M. M, Allport, P.P, Aloisio, A, Alonso, F, Alpigiani, C, Alunno Camelia, E, Alvarez Estevez, M, Alviggi, M.G, Aly, M, Amaral Coutinho, Y, Ambler, A, Amelung, C, Amerl, M, Ames, C.G, Amidei, D, Amor dos Santos, S.P, Amoroso, S, Amos, K.R, Ananiev, V, Anastopoulos, C, Andeen, T, Anders, J.K, Andrean, S.Y, Andreazza, A, Angelidakis, S, Angerami, A, Anisenkov, A.V, Annovi, A, Antel, C, Anthony, M.T, Antipov, E, Antonelli, M, Antrim, D.J. A, Anulli, F, Aoki, M, Aoki, T, Aparisi Pozo, J.A, Aparo, M.A, Aperio Bella, L, Appelt, C, Aranzabal, N, Araujo Ferraz, V, Arcangeletti, C, Arce, A.T. H, Arena, E

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    Search for $ t\overline{t}H/A\to t\overline{t}t\overline{t} $ production in the multilepton final state in proton–proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s} $ = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector... by Aad, G, Abbott, B, Abbott, D.C, Abeling, K, Abidi, S.H, Aboulhorma, A, Abramowicz, H, Abreu, H, Abulaiti, Y, Abusleme Hoffman, A.C, Acharya, B.S, Achkar, B, Adam, L, Adam Bourdarios, C, Adamczyk, L, Adamek, L, Addepalli, S.V, Adelman, J, Adiguzel, A, Adorni, S, Adye, T, Affolder, A.A, Afik, Y, Agaras, M.N, Agarwala, J, Aggarwal, A, Agheorghiesei, C, Aguilar-Saavedra, J.A, Ahmad, A, Ahmadov, F, Ahmed, W.S, Ai, X, Aielli, G, Aizenberg, I, Akbiyik, M, Åkesson, T.P. A, Akimov, A.V, Al Khoury, K, Alberghi, G.L, Albert, J, Albicocco, P, Alconada Verzini, M.J, Alderweireldt, S, Aleksa, M, Aleksandrov, I.N, Alexa, C, Alexopoulos, T, Alfonsi, A, Alfonsi, F, Alhroob, M, Ali, B, Ali, S, Aliev, M, Alimonti, G, Allaire, C, Allbrooke, B.M. M, Allport, P.P, Aloisio, A, Alonso, F, Alpigiani, C, Alunno Camelia, E, Alvarez Estevez, M, Alviggi, M.G, Amaral Coutinho, Y, Ambler, A, Amelung, C, Ames, C.G, Amidei, D, Amor dos Santos, S.P, Amoroso, S, Amos, K.R, Amrouche, C.S, Ananiev, V, Anastopoulos, C, Andari, N, Andeen, T, Anders, J.K, Andrean, S.Y, Andreazza, A, Angelidakis, S, Angerami, A, Anisenkov, A.V, Annovi, A, Antel, C, Anthony, M.T, Antipov, E, Antonelli, M, Antrim, D.J. A, Anulli, F, Aoki, M, Aparisi Pozo, J.A, Aparo, M.A, Aperio Bella, L, Appelt, C, Aranzabal, N, Araujo Ferraz, V, Arcangeletti, C, Arce, A.T. H, Arena, E, Arguin, J-F

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